We start with Dahlia getting shown around by Clarice, the bubbly secretary, who provides comic relief since Dahlia’s overall personality is sometimes somewhat flat, aloof, and unaware. Hence, as the secretary gives Dahlia an informal tour of the top-selling products of the food division of Crestmont, hilarity ensues with Dahlia always having to say something about how unhealthy these snacks are, to which the secretary, being outspoken, a bit noisy, but informative tells her that these are her favorite snacks, and they are not junk food. Before Dahlia goes up to their office of Lily, she has finally received her office ID. But, since the elevator is full, they take the stairs to burn off some calories. And, the proper or politically correct term for the secretary is plus size, not fat. Yes, she is not overweight—only a little.
In the next scene, we see Clarice bring up the new employees, including Dahlia, to be introduced to Lily for their official start in Crestmont. While Dahlia is on her smartphone with Elvin checking up on her mother, she gets the good news that Belinda can be discharged and that they only need to sign a clearance for it. Then, Dahlia feels the presence of Lily behind her and has to end the call. Lily then rightfully reprimands Dahlia for taking calls during office hours, to which she apologizes and goes her way. Sometime later, Clarice comes into Lily’s office, and Aurora is also there. She informs Lily that Dahlia wants to talk to her, and Lily graciously agrees and gives Dahlia some time. She wants to go home already, which is working under time, and Lily is naturally a bit surprised by her request because it is her first day on the job. Lily asks Dahlia why she wants to go home already.
Dahlia does not tell Lily why because her mother is ready to be brought home, she can be discharged already from her confinement in the hospital. But Dahlia remained silent, leaving Lily to wonder why. Now, Dahlia missed her chance and chose not to tell the truth, and she gets reminded that she wants to be treated as a regular employee and not take advantage of the perks and privileges of being a Chua.
Dahlia reluctantly and frustratingly agrees with her unless she suffers from “amnesia.” Then she goes back to do her office work. Afterward, in what appears to be the afternoon, we see Dahlia walking down the hallway, and Lily calls her attention, to which Dahlia responds that she is on her way home because it is already 5 p.m. They have a conversation about how Dahlia goes home; it is three steps for her, but she is used to it, and Lily, to her credit, is showing her softer side as the older stepsister is showing concern for her well-being. Lily then compliments Dahlia on an excellent first day. As Dahlia proceeds home, Lily looks at her from behind with a mix of worry and respect.
As soon as Dahlia exits the premises of the Crestmont building, she is elated to see her boyfriend, Elvin, waiting for her at the entrance. She asks Elvin what he is doing here. Elvin replies that he asked permission to fetch her; Dahlia then asks, “Where is her mother?” and tells her that she has returned home. Next, we see a shot from the right side, which leads to the entry and exit points of the building, and it is Lily in the backseat of her car. She spots Dahlia and Elvin there; she tells her driver to stop the vehicle; she presses her window down and listens in on what they are talking about; Elvin asks some general questions about her work; so far, Dahlia has only said good things about it. Lily, with a smile, is happy with her responses to her boyfriend’s questions. She then tells her driver to head back to her house.
In the following scene, we see Lily and Redmond at the dining table, and she is eager to eat the food that Di Chim has brought them. She then mentions Dahlia and is impressed by her work ethic. Lily then says that she wants Dahlia to work with her as one of her assistants. She even goes as far as citing that, for a welcome change, she has a sister that she can get along with and feels can help the company. This praise from Lily gets the attention of Redmond, who reminds Lily that they disowned Dahlia, to which she at once disagrees with his belief but reiterates that they did pay for her tuition fees in school and financially support her. Then, Redmond, in one of those rare moments of clarity of thought, reminds Lily, her wife, that there is still a clear difference there despite all the support they have given Dahlia and that she is still not a real sister to her. This only causes Lily to seemingly and quietly agree with his sentiment as they finish their dinner.
The next morning in the Crestmont building. Lily and Felino are in the office when the phone rings. Lily answers the phone and Violet says she is in the building with her Attorney. Then, Violet abruptly drops her call and leaves the lobby, where she is with Attorney. Velasco as both take the elevator going up, scaring off two employees in the process.
Then, we see Clarice telling Dahlia that she will be working for the president’s office (Lily) and that she will be in business administration. Dahlia informs Clarice that she has no experience in that field and does not know what to do, but Clarice comforts her and tells her that the work is not that hard and that she will be there to help her. They will be seatmates in a sense. Then, before Dahlia can finally absorb and comprehend all the good news, here comes Violet storming in with her Attorney, who looks like he is about to “meet his maker”—man, he looks ancient. In any case, Violet runs into Dahlia and yells at her about why she’s there; in a panic, Dahlia apologizes and appears to leave Lily’s office. Then, Violet confronts Lily and wonders if she knows why Dahlia was there. Lily responds by saying she hired her, and Violet follows up by asking if Aurora is aware of it, to which she responds in the affirmative. Then, before she can say anything more, Lily puts Violet in her place by reminding her that she is the President and CEO and has all the power to hire anyone she wants. This round goes to Lily for sticking to her guns.