Behind-The-Scenes: Regal Studio Presents Poor Rich Girl | Kimson Tan and Mika Reins

Check out these behind-the-scenes photos from Regal Studio Presents Poor Rich Girl starring Kimson Tan and Mika Reins. Directed by Xion Lim, written by Trisha Mae Delez, FSG, this Sunday,…

Continue ReadingBehind-The-Scenes: Regal Studio Presents Poor Rich Girl | Kimson Tan and Mika Reins

GALLERY: Check out some behind-the-scenes snaps from Regal Studio Presents Mekaniko Si Monica

This week, we are going to tinker not just with automobiles but also with people's hearts! Photo by @deleteovercast on Instagram Before we get all *kilig* this Sunday, here are…

Continue ReadingGALLERY: Check out some behind-the-scenes snaps from Regal Studio Presents Mekaniko Si Monica